Menopause treatment Lufkin, TX - Balance Hormone Clinic

Overview of Menopause

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through as they age. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause. During this time, women's bodies produce less of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Lower hormone levels cause changes like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, vaginal dryness, and mood changes. After menopause, these symptoms usually improve on their own. But hormone therapy can provide relief as well.

At Balance Hormone Clinic in Lufkin, we specialize insafe and effective hormone treatments to reduce unpleasant menopause symptoms. With customized therapy plans, we can help women feel like themselves again. Our compassionate menopause specialists use cutting-edge therapies like bioidentical hormones, testosterone pellets, and more. We also provide nutritional and lifestyle guidance for better wellbeing during this transition.

Below we cover the basics of menopause, its symptoms, and the latest treatment options. Read on to learn how our best menopause doctors can help women thrive through perimenopause and beyond!

What Happens During Menopause

Menopause officially begins 12 months after a woman's last menstrual cycle. In the years leading up to it, the ovaries gradually make less estrogen and progesterone. These fluctuations cause a variety of symptoms.

On average most women reach menopause around age 51. But it can occur from 40-55 years old due to various factors. Smoking, chemotherapy, and surgery to remove the ovaries can also trigger early menopause. Regardless of timing, supporting hormones levels is key to feeling balanced and comfortable during the menopausal transition.

Our services

Common Symptoms

The wide variety of menopause symptoms range from mild to quite disruptive for some women:

The severity of symptoms is different for each woman. Around 80% of women do experience some troublesome menopause symptoms that can last for several years. Finding the right treatment is important so women can feel more like themselves while going through this transition.

Find relief from menopause symptoms, contact us today!

Lifestyle Changes That Help with Menopause

While hormone therapy is very effective, making certain lifestyle adjustments can also alleviate menopausal discomfort. Our compassionate menopause specialists at Balance Hormone Clinic provide personalized guidance on lifestyle changes for better wellbeing during perimenopause and menopause:

Healthy Diet

Eating a balanced, nutritious diet gives the body energy and supports hormonal balance. We recommend emphasizing:

We also suggest limiting processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol as they can worsen symptoms. Tracking food and symptoms in a journal helps identify personal triggers too.

Stress Management

Managing stress with consistent relaxation practices can make a difference when menopause symptoms flare up. Activities like yoga, meditation, deep breathing, journaling, or walking outdoors help calm the body's stress response. Massage and acupuncture can reduce tension too.

Finding community and support is also key. Talking through concerns with close friends, a therapist, or a menopause support group helps many women feel less alone.

Better Sleep Habits

Getting enough high-quality sleep is essential but quite challenging for many women during menopause. Practicing good sleep hygiene by sticking to a regular sleep/wake schedule, limiting electronics before bed, and creating a comfortable sleep environment sets healthy habits. We also offer customized medical guidance to improve sleep as needed.

Regular Exercise

Most women going through menopause benefit from adding more physical activity into their routines. Getting 150 minutes per week of moderate activity like walking, cycling, dancing, water workouts or gentle strength training boosts energy and mood. We suggestfinding activities you genuinely enjoy for sustainability. Check with your doctor before significantly increasing exercise intensity.

While lifestyle measures help, hormone therapy is often needed for adequate symptom relief. At Balance Hormone Clinic, our compassionate providers tailor treatment plans to your unique needs so you can thrive through menopause.

Hormone Therapy Overview

Hormone therapy (HT), including estrogen alone or with progestogen, is considered the most effective treatment for relieving troublesome menopausal symptoms. Correcting hormone levels balances mood, sleep, sexual health, body temperature regulation and more to improve women's quality of life.

Types of hormone therapy include:

The timing, dosage, and delivery method of hormones are tailored to each patient for optimal safety and results. Our compassionate menopause specialists take special care to find the perfect fit for your needs. We also provide ongoing monitoring and dosage adjustments as needed over months and years on therapy.

While HT has significant benefits for symptom relief, it does carry some risks too like blood clots or stroke for those already at risk. Following professional guidance is key to maximize benefits and safety.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, we are proud to offer the latest evidence-based hormone therapy approaches so Lufkin women can feel their best through menopause. Contact us today to discuss your treatment options!

Interesting fact

A little-known natural remedy that can help treat hot flashes and night sweats is sage - researchers have found drinking sage tea twice a day significantly reduces the severity and frequency of menopausal symptoms without side effects. The herb's antioxidant, estrogenic, and serotonin-regulating properties are thought to be responsible for its beneficial effects.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormone therapy (or BHRT) utilizes hormones that are molecularly identical to the estrogen and progesterone produced naturally in the body. This allows precise hormonal correction without introducing foreign substances.

There are FDA-approved bioidentical estradiol and progesterone medications available. Custom-compounded BHRT is also commonly used to personalize treatment based on a woman's own hormone levels and needs. These bespoke preparations contain varying strengths and ratios of estradiol, estrone and estriol with progesterone.

Benefits of bioidentical hormones:

Bioidentical hormones can be taken as pills, creams, injections, implants, vaginal inserts, rings, or pellets like those offered at Balance Hormone Clinic. Our providers carefully evaluate hormone blood tests and discuss your symptom history to create the optimal bioidentical treatment plan.

With ongoing monitoring and dosage adjustments, most women find excellent relief from menopausal discomfort with bioidenticals. Contact Balance Hormone Clinic to learn more!

Take control of your menopause symptoms today.

Menopausal Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone levels also decline in women as they age, causing unpleasant symptoms:

Correcting low testosterone along with estrogen/progesterone imbalances can profoundly improve energy,wellbeing and vitality during menopause.

The safest and most convenient form of testosterone therapy is subcutaneous pellet implants. During an in-office procedure, tiny bioidentical testosterone pellets are placed under the skin to continually release hormones over 3-6 months. This maintains stable blood levels without worrying about forgetting daily pills.

We also carefully monitor patients on testosterone therapy to keep levels optimized in the ideal range. This both enhances efficacy and minimizes potential side effects from too much circulating testosterone.

Women using testosterone pellets for hormone optimization often report life-changing improvements in:

Balance Hormone Clinic now offers cutting-edge testosterone pellet therapy to help Lufkin women look and feel their best through the menopausal years. Discover your renewed energy and zest for life!

Balance Hormone Clinic Menopause Specialists: Caring and Convenient

At Balance Hormone Clinic in Lufkin, supporting women through perimenopause and beyond is one of our specialties. We understand the frustration of menopausal discomfort disrupting sleep, sex life, work, relationships and more. That's why we're dedicated to safe, effective relief so you can fully enjoy life again.

What sets Balance Hormone Clinic apart is our compassionate, comprehensive approach to menopause care. We listen carefully and get to know patients as individuals first. After a thorough evaluation, we educate women about all treatment options and make expert recommendations suited to their needs and health status. By explaining details like expectations, side effects, and dosage adjustments, we ensure patients feel fully confident proceeding with therapy.

Ongoing support is crucial too. We see patients frequently to monitor progress, perform appropriate testing, and modify regimens as needed. Adjusting bioidentical hormones or testosterone dosages over months and years is key to optimizing symptom relief and safety. Patients have open access to call us with any concerns between appointments as well.

We also emphasize lifestyle, diet and stress management guidance for better overall wellbeing during the menopausal years. Every aspect of health is interconnected, so our goal is helping women thrive – not just take medications!

For your convenience, we complete all testing and procedures in-house at our Lufkin clinic. From pellet insertions to advanced Ultrasound imaging and bone density scans, we offer comprehensive sexual health and age management care for women under one roof. Let us simplify your wellness journey!

Balance Hormone Clinic was founded right here in Lufkin by top physician leaders from the Medical Center. Our providers have decades of expertise caring specifically for women as Ob/Gyns, endocrinologists and anti-aging specialists. When you choose Balance Hormone Clinic for menopause treatment, you get VIP service from the most experienced, compassionate team available.

Get Started with Menopause Relief Today

We know how frustrating and limiting menopausal symptoms can become without proper treatment. The years surrounding this transition pass quickly – don't spend them feeling unwell!

Balance Hormone Clinic offers new hope for women wanting relief from hot flashes, pain with intimacy, low libido, exhaustion and emotional ups and downs. With customized hormone therapy and holistic guidance, most symptoms can be effectively managed so you can fully enjoy life again.

We're excited to discuss your treatment options, answer all questions, and partner together on this journey toward renewed health and vitality!

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